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Final Five Best


This is one of my favorite pictures I have taken just because my friend Laurel looks so happy in it. A lot of times people keep a straight face in pictures but I love that she looks so happy, and its kind of a candid laughing moment. I just in general like this picture because it makes me feel happy, and I think it is a good picture its not anything super special or interesting but it makes me happy so that is why I like it so much.  


This picture stands out to me as one of my best because I like how the framing of the flowers looks. I think it makes the portrait a lot more interesting. In editing I mainly focused on how the yellow looks, and tried to make the yellow and green look the way I wanted them to without making the persons skin tone look weird. The editing really helped the image turn out better, making the flowers stand out more and turning the contrast up really made the picture look better. 


There some things I wish I could improve about this picture but taking this I had to act fast because it can be hard to capture motion, but I love this one. I think the motion of wind in her hair looks really cool, and makes the photo look cool. I originally had it edited a little different and had the colors popping out more but I changed the editing a little to fit in better with the rest of the photos. I think both ways of editing look cool the other style just made the picture more vibrant and look happier, this one is more dark colors and tones. Another thing I like about this is at the top where the sky is really light and her hair is really dark, I think it looks good because the hair really contrasts with the sky.  


I like this picture because of the flowers and bits of sunlight. I think the bits of sun on her face make this picture a lot more interesting. This is one of the other pictures that I edited different ways, at first I had it more colorful, but I changed it to fit in more with the other pictures and I actually like this way I edited it better than the first. 


I really like this picture because I tried a different way of editing using Photoshop and I ended up really liking it. I wanted to make this picture different because I had another very similar picture so I used Photoshop to sort of make a collage and zoom in on different parts of the image. I think this turned out looking really cool, and making the pictures more interesting to looks at. I will definitely use this type of editing again in my future pictures. 

I have definitely grown a lot in this class, I think the thing I learned and worked through most was taking pictures of specific things, and reaching out of what I like to take pictures of. It was hard for me to fit the requirements because I am used to just taking pictures of what I want to take pictures of. Looking back at my different assignments there are a lot I do not like, one that I would want to go back and change is my spring one, I really just do not like the way those pictures turned out, and I think a lot of it has to do with editing. This class has really helped me put more thought into my pictures because of writing reflections and things it forces me to look at my pictures and see what I like what I do not like and what I want to change next time I edit or take pictures. I love photography and even though I would need to improve a lot I would love to peruse it as a career, or at least continue it as a hobby. In the future I also want to go into making videos or shot films or something and I think having photography skills would help a lot with that sort of thing. 

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