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This photoset was fun because we learned a few different cool ways to edit. inspired by different artists like Peter Max and Andy Warhol. Most of the pictures are really colorful and I really like all of them. My favorite is the one inspired by Peter Max that looks like a painting. To edit the original photo I first put colorful paint strokes as the background and then I thought it would be cool to paint over it too so I used the eyedropper to get the color of whatever I was going over and used the paintbrush tool to color over it. After I had gone over everything I changed the opacity of both layers so that they would blend together. After this photoset, I think one of my favorite things to photograph is people, and I think it is because you can control your pictures more. Like you can just tell a person to move or look this way or that way, but you can't really tell a flower to move this way or that way. 

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