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Lightroom Filter Presets


Lightroom Color Pop 


Lightroom Hue


Photoshop Image Adjustments


Photoshop 2 Filters 




I have not edited pictures on a computer for a long time, I am used to editing on my phone so getting back to using Lightroom was a little hard because I kind of forgot how to use it well. Overall I like how all the pictures turned out. I usually edit my pictures pretty naturally I guess so the color pop and Photoshop filters were not my favorite but I think they look kind of cool. I like how the flower one with the Photoshop filters looks like a painting and I think the yellow color pop looks nice with that picture. With the Photoshop image adjustments honestly I just started messing around with the settings in there and realized that I could make the picture look kind of like a sunset so I kept adjusting the different settings until I liked the colors and thought they looked good. For the edit of my choice I did not really know what I wanted to do so I just cropped it a little and adjusted the exposure and saturation and a few other things until I thought it looked pretty good. I think the only major change I made was the cropping but that still really helped the image look better. One thing I need to work on is editing without any direction, I am so used to using set filters and adjusting things on my phone that when I don't have that I don't edit as well. I also want to work on actually knowing what certain things do instead of just messing with some settings until i like the way the picture looks. 

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